Based on information recieved by Political Bourbon it appears on February 17, 2021 the Polk County Florida School Board sent a memo to all Principals and Assistant Principals asking them to promote LGBT+ Icons as part of Black History Month.
The letter asks teachers to consider adding Black LGBT + Icon Biographies to school displays or to utilize the material as a suppliment to the lessons they are teaching.

Some of the LBGT + Icons listed not only live the LBGT lifestyle but also have ties to racism, Marxism, and Satinanism.
Lori Lighfoot, Mayor of Chicago, refuses interview requests from white journalists (Racist action by the Mayor of Chicago) Source Chicago Tribune – Fox News

Alisha Garza – Co-founder of Black Lives Matter (Self-avowed Marxist)
“The first thing, I think, is that we actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia (Garza) in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.” Patrisse Cullers, Founding Member of Black Lives Matter Source Youtube
Lil Nas X – Wrapper (Anti-Christ Satanism) Source Youtube

It appears that the celebration of LBGT, Racism, Marxist, and Satanism has moved beyond mainstream media and is now being indoctrinated into our children K-12 by being promoted through the public school system.
Do you think the Public School System should be promoting LGBT + Icons during Black History Month along side National Heros like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, or many others that contributed to society in a positive way?
Whats next for the Polk County Florida Public School System? Maybe we should add LGBT Alternatives to our Sex Education Class!