Best New Handguns Of 2021

New 2021 handgun introductions are coming in hot; pushing and shoving their way into the spotlight after a record-shattering year of firearms sales. Most of the industry is trying to catch its breath as gun buyers continue to scavenge empty display cases, ready to pounce at the hint of restocking.

As it stands, most manufacturers can barely keep up with current demand, and they’re laser-focused on producing legacy products to fulfill backorders, much to the chagrin of their marketing departments.

This means several notable brands are missing from the list at press date. Not to worry — they are coming — they’ll just be about a month late to the party. We’ll continue to provide updates as embargoes expire. Without further ado, we’ve assembled a list of the best new handgun introductions of 2021.

New 2021 handgun introductions are coming in hot; pushing and shoving their way into the spotlight after a record-shattering year of firearms sales. Most of the industry is trying to catch its breath as gun buyers continue to scavenge empty display cases, ready to pounce at the hint of restocking.

As it stands, most manufacturers can barely keep up with current demand, and they’re laser-focused on producing legacy products to fulfill backorders, much to the chagrin of their marketing departments. This means several notable brands are missing from the list at press date. Not to worry — they are coming — they’ll just be about a month late to the party.

We’ll continue to provide updates as embargoes expire. Without further ado, we’ve assembled a list of the best new handgun introductions of 2021


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